• Overseed? Well I can give it a try!

The field inspections carried out in September, have shown that some fields could do with more grass in them. But they are fairly weed-free, and I’m not ready to put new leys down in them just yet. So it’s been suggested that I overseed them. But I have to say, I’m a bit cynical about this. It’s not something we’ve ever done here before.

So above is OPICO’s Neil with me in one of my silage fields – Little Obash. He’s loaned me the tine harrow and seeder. In the picture we are looking at all the dried slurry that the tines have dislodged.

Neil Robinson

Neil Robinson

“When overseeding, it’s important to ensure that there are bare areas of soil onto which the new seed can fall, and which once rolled, will then have the good seed-to-soil contact needed for germination.

In this field, the slurry had capped the surface, and was stopping the oxygen get to the grass roots.” – Neil Robinson, OPICO.